
It’s been a wet….

“Look at my beautiful curls!”

wet weekend.

“So, you point it…and you push that button…and…yeah…yeah…I’m getting it now.”

And we’ve spent most of it here:

If you look closely you’ll see a Daddy Long Leg crawling towards him on the left.  He woke up when it tickled his toes…and ate it.

There are worse things.

4 thoughts on “Rain

  1. Haha! Love the curly hair, especially. And the cat. And the daddy long legs. And seriously, it’s raining there? We have snowmageddon 25 miles south. Methinks they under-guessed the accumulation.


    1. We did have rain here…it turned to snow a couple of hours ago and is now being all serious about it. Getting to work tomorrow could be….difficult.


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