CJ meets Meow Box

Yesterday, Colby Jack’s first Meow Box arrived in the mail.

“What’s a Meow Box?” you ask.

Meow Box is one of those overpriced monthly subscription deals that will ship you a box of goodies for your beloved pet each and every month.  Is it worth it?  Absolutely not.  Did he respond to the goodies in an exceptionally eager way, ensuring that I will pay for at least a couple more months?  Yes.  (Sucker!)

Let’s walk through the Meow Box with CJ.

First, it comes attractively packaged (and personalized):

CJ Meets Meow Box, cookdrinkhike.wordpress.com

The card on top described the contents of this month’s box.  But, first, we had to get past the sticker/feather decorating the top of the package:

CJ Meets Meow Box, cookdrinkhike.wordpress.com

The feather promptly ended up in someone’s mouth:

CJ Meets Meow Box, cookdrinkhike.wordpress.com

The first thing we pulled out of the box was a candy corn-shaped toy stuffed with catnip.  A cute nod to the season.  CJ thought it was swell:

CJ Meets Meow Box, cookdrinkhike.wordpress.com

Next was a pretzel-shaped toy that’s supposed to be…well…kitty floss.  It’s hard to describe.  It’s pretty solid, but it’s made of some kind of netting that supposedly “flosses teeth and helps remove soft tarter as kitty chews.”  Okay.  He thought it was pretty cool.

CJ Meets Meow Box, cookdrinkhike.wordpress.com

And then we met the wildlife chirper.  Looks kind of like a normal feather toy…until you squeeze it…and it chirps.  Like a realistic series of chirps.  I wish I could have caught his expression when he first heard it.  Captivated.  That’s  an appropriate description.

CJ Meets Meow Box, cookdrinkhike.wordpress.com

The cat took the “bird” and proceeded to leave the room.

CJ Meets Meow Box, cookdrinkhike.wordpress.com

I convinced him to return so we could explore the remainder of the box.  The Blue Buffalo Kitty Yums were met with enthusiasm.  The Welli Fish, stuffed with “Bavarian-grown valerian root” (what is valerian root?  Neither me nor CJ have a clue) was met with a, “Meh,” despite its exotic roots (handmade in Germany!)

CJ Meets Meow Box, cookdrinkhike.wordpress.com

And then it was back to the chirper:

CJ Meets Meow Box, cookdrinkhike.wordpress.com

Which disappeared within an hour.  I kid you not.  I went into the kitchen to fix dinner.  He was galloping around playing with the assortment of new toys…and the chirper vanished.  I’ve looked under couches and chairs and even in the garage. Poof. He’s provided no help.  Best thing in the box, MIA.

My response?  I got on Amazon this morning and ordered a couple of new chirpers.  Yes.  I am a complete and utter sucker.  The other will show up the day the new ones arrive.  Without a doubt.  Then I will have spent…how much?…for the Meow Box?  Suck-uh.  Me.  Accepting that.

5 thoughts on “CJ meets Meow Box

    1. Ruff and Whiskerz Wildlife Cherperz. However, I can’t find them online. So, I just searched for chirpers on Amazon and found something comparable.


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