Hello! And a Cocktail! Fa-la-la!

Long time no blog!  Thanks to those who have stuck around.  I’m not sure what happened.  I just quit blogging.  And, well, I make you not promises that I will remain committed.  However, December approaches and I feel like I would be completely remiss if I didn’t bring you 12 days of cocktails.  After, all, it’s become a bit of a tradition.  Like, a three year tradition.  This is year four.  I mean, let’s be real, the husband and I are going to indulge in Christmas cocktails whether or not I blog about them.  But, he’s a proponent of blogging about them because that ensures that he gets 12 cocktails, no less…possibly more.  Welcome to the 12 Days of Waissaling!

We started the season early this year…the day before Thanksgiving.  Aren’t we overachievers?  Technically, that could mean that we could hit the 12th Day of Waissaling by mid-December.  Which could translate to bonus boozes, or a need for a pause to regroup.

Let’s get started, shall we?  The first cocktail of the season is a classic.  A traditional hot toddy.  How can a person go wrong?

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I have to admit, I wasn’t really familiar with hot toddy until we spent a couple of winter weekends in Portland.  Which equates to rain.  And cold.  One afternoon we wandered into what The Fireside in the Alphabet District.  They have amazing soup, which is what I was craving, but I was also interested in a pre-soup warmer.  I ordered a hot toddy, not really knowing what I was in for.  I’ve not looked back.

There are variations on the classic hot toddy out there, but I kind of figure that one shouldn’t mess with the best.  Right?  Right.

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Classic Hot Toddy

1 cup water
1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp. honey
2 cinnamon stick
6 cloves
2 thin lemon slice
2 shots whiskey

Heat water, lemon juice, honey, cinnamon stick and cloves in a small sauce pan.  Bring to a boil, then allow to simmer for a few minutes.  Place one lemon slice and a shot of whiskey in two mugs.  Split the water/lemon/honey mixture between the mugs.  Each mug should also receive a cinnamon stick and 3 cloves.  Add more whiskey, lemon, honey to taste…don’t feel bashful about playing with this recipe.  Consider this your starting place.

6 thoughts on “Hello! And a Cocktail! Fa-la-la!

      1. I usually saunter down to my favorite neighborhood bar and order up one. I should get a recipe for one. You know for those night when it’s too cold for walking. 😀


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