Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday, wishingmylifeaway.com

4 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Spectacular. That sad ruin of a mountain. I don’t always feel that way about it. I don’t feel that way when I see it from my house, though I miss it’s top. Bit from close up, I do miss it’s old beauty. Amazing shot.


    1. Thanks, Gretchen. I’ve only known her topless as I was just a kid in OR when she erupted. But, I would imagine those who knew her, loved her and played on and around her still experience occasional pangs of mourning…remembering how she once was. She’s still glorious in her own right…but obviously oh-so-changed.


    1. Fire rainbow! That’s what it’s called? Thanks for the identification, Peggy. There was also a partial rainbow halo around the sun, which was just over the back of my head when I took this.


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